
HomeShopHoneyEgyptian Mountain Honey – 350g


Egyptian Mountain Honey – 350g

230 EGP

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Our 100% Natural Spring Blossom Honey

by The Humble Bee® 


has a bright flavor and freshness of the Spring.


The rich taste and strong aroma of the honey is acquired from sunflowers and other spring flower blossoms . The Spring Blossom honey aids in preventing anemia and improves the digestive system. 


Not suitable for children under the age of one.


For diabetics, do not exceed the daily dose of 20g.


All types of Honey may crystallize after a certain period of time, but this does not alter the quality of the product in any way. By applying gentle heat to honey, these crystals will dissolve.


Our 100% Natural Mountain Honey

by The Humble Bee®

is produced from sidr, acacia and other mountain flowers in Upper Egypt Mountains.

This Honey has a strong flavor and distinctive taste and is characterized by its high nutritional value due to its high level of antioxidants as well as minerals, including magnesium and iron, which help to support the immune system. It is considered one of the highest grade mountain honeys In Egypt.

Not suitable for children under the age of one.

For diabetics, do not exceed the daily dose of 20g.

عسل جبلي طبيعي ٪ 100

منتج من زهور السدر والاكاسيا والزهور الجبلية من جبال مصر العليا.

عسل ذو نكهة قوية وطعم مميز ويتميز بقيمته الغذائية العالية لاحتوائه على نسبة عالية من مضادات الأكسدة والمعادن خاصة الماغنسيوم والحديد والتي تساعد على تدعيم .الجهاز المناعي. يعتبر من اجود الأعسال الجبلية في مصر.

غير مخصص كغذاء للأطفال تحت سن عام واحد.

يُستخدم لمرضى السكري بجرعة يومية لا تزيد عن 20 جم-ثلاث ملاعق صغيرة



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