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Pineapple – 1pc

Original price was: 230 EGP.Current price is: 205.95 EGP.

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PICO Farms Pineapple.

Our pineapples are always harvested ripe and ready to eat, no matter what the external shell color, so enjoy the natural sweet flavor immediately or within a few days at room temperature.

1 of 5 a day

Origin Country of origin may vary due to seasonality.

Suitable for vegetarians


LIFE 2d+

Product life guaranteed for 2 days excluding delivery day, with an average of 2.5 days.



Store in a cool dry place. 

It is recommended to consume the pineapple as soon as possible.

As a convenient alternative you can also prepare the pineapple and refrigerate in a closed container to consume later.

ثمرة أناناس بيكو متوسطة الحجم دائما ما نجنيها ناضجة وجاهزة للأكل، لذلك لا تقلق بشأن اللون الداخلي للثمرة و تمتع بالمذاق الحلو المميز فور الشراء أو فى غضون أيام قليلة  بدرجة حرارة الغرفة كما يمكنك ايضا تخزينه بالفريزر لإستخدامه لاحقا  

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المنتج صالح لمدة يومين بخلاف يوم التسليم

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